Acne is not pleasant. It is ugly and it scars if not taken care of. Using the right treatments, keeping your skin clean and moisturized properly, drinking plenty of water and eating properly can help in warding off acne or even getting rid of it altogether. All too often teenagers are plagued with this bacterial disease at an age when they want to appear beautiful to others. Below I have listed some of the myths that people have for so long believed caused acne. Please be sure to read them.
Acne is not caused by dirt. Acne is caused by oil from your skin mixing with dead skin and clogging your pores. It then causes the pores to swell and become festered. You get black heads or white heads that sometimes are filled with puss.
Scrubbing your face will not cure acne nor will it keep you from getting acne. Scrubbing your face can do more harm than good actually by causing scarring of your acne and some inflammation and redness.
Sweating or Heat will not help you cure acne but again, worsen it because your skin becomes oily and adds to the bacteria mix in your pores.
Eating Chocolate or Sweets does not cause acne. Eating oil based foods can make it worse. If you have an acne breakout, be sure to cut back on any oily foods because you do not want to add to the oils already in your skin beginning to clog the pores.
NEVER SQUEEZE ACNE BUMPS. This can cause severe scarring. The bumps become larger and swell. They become red from the pressure of squeezing. It is bett6er to just clean your face with a good soap, use a hot towel to steam your face to clean the pores and then, a good moisturizing cream.