Tuesday, July 10, 2012

5 Acne Myths in Conclusion

Acne is not pleasant. It is ugly and it scars if not taken care of. Using the right treatments, keeping your skin clean and moisturized properly, drinking plenty of water and eating properly can help in warding off acne or even getting rid of it altogether. All too often teenagers are plagued with this bacterial disease at an age when they want to appear beautiful to others. Below I have listed some of the myths that people have for so long believed caused acne. Please be sure to read them. 

Acne is not caused by dirt. Acne is caused by oil from your skin mixing with dead skin and clogging your pores.  It then causes the pores to swell and become festered.  You get black heads or white heads that sometimes are filled with puss. 

Scrubbing your face will not cure acne nor will it keep you from getting acne. Scrubbing your face can do more harm than good actually by causing scarring of your acne and some inflammation and redness. 

Sweating or Heat will not help you cure acne but again, worsen it because your skin becomes oily and adds to the bacteria mix in your pores. 

Eating Chocolate or Sweets does not cause acne. Eating oil based foods can make it worse. If you have an acne breakout, be sure to cut back on any oily foods because you do not want to add to the oils already in your skin beginning to clog the pores. 

NEVER SQUEEZE ACNE BUMPS. This can cause severe scarring. The bumps become larger and swell. They become red from the pressure of squeezing. It is bett6er to just clean your face with a good soap, use a hot towel to steam your face to clean the pores and then, a good moisturizing cream.

Organic Acne Remedies

There are so many remedies on the market today that one hardly knows where to begin when trying to figure out which remedy will be best and a knowledge of the type skin one has is, of course, most important when it comes to finding the right remedy. Following are some wonderful treatments that you can find in your home easily and with little or no expense.

Tea Tree Oil  -  Tea tree oil is obtained by the steaming distillation of the leaves of an Australian plant known as Melaleuca alternifolia.  Where acne is concerned, it is known to kill the bacteria associated with acne.  The oil can be bought in most health food stores and is also contained in things like shampoo's, toothpaste, mouthwashes and lotions.  Some use toothpaste on their acne at night to ease it and take the swelling down.

To make a safe solution of tea tree oil for your acne, mix 5 parts of tea tree oil to 95 parts water.  (part = 1mL) 

Precautions:  Tea tree oil should be avoided by those who have hormone sensitive cancer or pregnant/nursing mothers.  Some people may have reactions to the oil like itching, blisters and rashes.  Never use tea tree oil straight on the skin without dilution.  Never take tea tree oil internally.

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar - The organic ACV has the necessary ingredients to assist in curing your acne.  Regular ACV has other chemicals in it that may cause more harm then good.  It is made from crushed apples  fermented in barrels and resulting in a bacterial foam and works to provide pure minerals and enzymes to natural vinegar free from chemicals.

As you use the vinegar on your acne, it detoxifies killing the poisons of acne and bacteria.  It has an awful, putred smell but it also glorifies your skin and keeps it clean of bacteria causing acne.

Water - Drink plenty of water because water flushes the toxins from your body keeping things like acne and other fungal diseases from your skin.  Stay away from sugar drinks, smoothies and juices.  Try to keep your diet clean also by eating clean, fresh dark green vegetables from the garden.  This will balance your health and free you from the toxins in foods giving you good health and healthy skin.


For more information on organic home treatments for acne, Click Here

Friday, July 6, 2012

Organic Facial Cleanse to the Rescue

Cleansing with Organic Oils

Though it seems odd to cleanse your face with oils when you read that skin oils can cause acne, but it is true.  Oils such as Castor oil, sunflower seed oil and olive oil can make a very nice facial cleansing and moisturizing mixture.  The caster oil cleanses your skin while the sunflower or olive oil moisturizes. Your skin will thank you and you will have the softest and most beautiful complexion you have ever had.  Try it and let me know how it turns out for you.

How to Mix Organic Oils for a Facial Cleanse

Paying attention to the type of skin you have, normal, dry or oily, mix the oils as indicated below.

For Oily Skin - mix 2 to 3 parts caster oil with one part sunflower seed oil.

For Dry Skin - mix one part caster oil to 2 or 3 parts sunflower seed oil.

For Normal Skin  - mix 1 part caster oil with one part sunflower seed oil.

*Olive oil can be used in place of sunflower seed oil.

Shake the mixture until it is completely mixed.  Pour a large handful of mix into your hands and massage over your face for approximately 1 minute.  After, take a wash cloth and soak in hot water as hot as you can stand it but not too hot to burn your skin.  Lay over your face for about 1 minute until you feel the cloth cooling down.  Then take the cloth and wipe away any excess oil or dirt on your skin.  Your skin will feel totally clean and soft.

This mixture makes enough solution that will probably last you about 6 months.  No longer will you have to invest in those expensive cleansers on the market.  My husband tells me that my face glows more and feels so soft.

Causes & Caring for Acne

What Causes Acne

Somewhere between the age of 11 to 30, humans will get acne in some form.  It is caused usually by a rise in the androgen levels of your body causing the oil glands to produce more sebum which fills the skin pores and sometimes comes in contact with hair or shedding skin scales which will stop up pores of your skin and cause bacteria also.  With the stopping up of a pore comes a whitehead or blackhead or swelling of a small area of your skin.

Factors such as hormones and certain medications can make acne worse. 

Caring for Acne

One of the best things to do when you have acne is to keep your face clean.  Wash your face 2x a day with warm water and a soap special for those with acne.  Keeping those pores clear of extra oils and dead skin will help you tremendously in your fight against acne.  Don't hard scrub your face though.  Just gently wash it.

Keep your hair out of your face as much as you can.  You don't want extra hair adding to the clogging of your pores.  Cleanse your hair daily, if oily, so that it does not add to the oil on your skin.

Try not to touch your face as that can add to the bacteria that causes swelling and irritation of the pores on your face.  Be certain to wash your hands often to keep them clean of irritants also.

Drink plenty of water to keep your skin moist and soft.

Use oil free makeup and be sure to clean the makeup from your face at night before bed.  NEVER sleep with makeup on.  If your makeup- seems old or smelly, throw it away and get new.  Don't add to the bacteria you already have.

Try to use oil free moisturizers on your face and skin.  Use nothing that can irritate your skin pores further.

Introduction to Organic Acne Treatments

Welcome!  I have discovered that most people buy over the counter remedies when there are many home products that will do just as well for acne, if not better, than the new remedies out by prescription or over the counter.  I will list some of them for you in my blog so tghat you can try some of them out and see if they are as helpful to you as they have been to me.  Please feel free to let me know.  If you need further information beyond what I write here, I also have some articles over at http://simplyacneremedies.com/ .